Quick Start!This enhanced research and planning course is designed specifically for those who have already decided to run for office and need a little help getting started. Hone your message and get heard; get the money you need to run your campaign successfully, and understand your vote goal and what it takes to get there.
We’re here to help! If you have any issues or concerns, please email
Team@AmericanMajority.org. Thank you for signing up, and happy learning!
– Ned, Founder and CEO for American Majority
The job of serving the citizens of your district after your big win and during your time in office is something that’s not well documented, usually not well planned, and the tools to do that job are not being well utilized. American Majority Online’s Constituency Management course gives you the skills necessary to run your constituency services office, collect data, utilize database resources, and organize your office to give your citizens the most effective, efficient and valuable services available. Learn why constituency management is important, how to use your data, how to effectively use social media and email, and retain and grow your base in this important course.
We’re here to help! If you have any issues or concerns, please email
Team@AmericanMajority.org. Thank you for signing up, and happy learning!
– Ned, Founder and CEO of American Majority
Conservatives are generally nice, normal people with peaceful intentions and good attitudes. Unfortunately, in today’s world, nice just won’t cut it. In order to win elections, we have to learn to argue our case and not back down; understand how to message in a way that will appeal to the general public and get their attention, and out liberals and their fundamentally flawed politics. This Advanced Messaging course will help you gain the skills and knowledge it takes to trounce liberals at the messaging game.
We’re here to help! If you have any issues or concerns, please email
team@americanmajority.org. Thank you for signing up, and happy learning!
– Ned, Founder and CEO of American Majority